
Holiday giving
One of the greatest gifts you can give is a donation in someone else's name...
  • Heifer International
    When I first heard about the types of gifts that Heifer gives to families in developing countries, I thought they sounded too practical to be true. Heifer donates the most useful of gifts; one that literally keeps on giving: livestock. Livestock produces food and material and then reproduces so families can sustain themselves and others, for years to come.
    The best thing about donating to Heifer is the "cafeteria" style menu. If you don't have enough money to purchase a single animal, you can put money towards several animals!
  • Public Radio
    Here in DC, you can listen to WAMU or WETA. Both WAMU and WETA are filled with compelling and innovative radio programs.
  • We all know the reality of the DC real estate market: DC is exempt from this so-called housing "bubble" and the price of home ownership is frankly, astronomical.
    Organizations like MANNA help low-income DC families learn about the home buying process and build/renovate homes that come with an affordable price tag. Home ownership is not about stainless steel appliances and granite countertops; it's about investment, roots and quality of life.
  • There are people who used to live in New Orleans who are still struggling to get their lives back in order. As our lives move on, some New Orlean'ese are faced with daily challenges such as living and eating arrangements, employment, mental and physical health and an overall feeling of questionable stability. Lots of organizations are still taking donations:
    Direct Relief International
    Red Cross Katrina Fund
    Bush/Clinton Katrina Fund
    The Idea Village
    National Urban League Katrina Fund


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